Production company: Walt Disney Pictures | Directed By: Andrew Stanton
Directed by Andrew Stanton, a long-term collaborator of Pixar and responsible for seminal titles including the ?Toy Story? series and ?Wall-E?, this was the writer/director?s first live-action feature. Our task was to create the ?Ninth Ray?, a force radiating from the lead character?s feet and a key motif of the latter section of this big-budget adaptation of the Edgar Rice Burroughs books.
An intensive period of research and development, working closely with the director, produced am intricate, highly mobile effect. We constructed a detailed character rig which enabled the animators to reflect and refract the characters? bodies through the force field and a Ninth Ray toolkit so the 3-D asset could be integrated efficiently and simply to any shot. You can see the results of our work in the final climactic battle scene towards the end of the movie.